Upper Room

Along my journey of writing and a few years after my son went to heaven, we decided to do a house renovation. A wonderful Christian friend of mine came out to the house to see how the project was coming along. I shared my hopes of having a room where I could write, be inspired, and reflect on life. As she walked into this room just at the point of being framed in, she said she felt in her spirit that I needed to put in my own music studio.

So that evening, after meeting with the contractors, it became official. The room I first thought to be just a room to write in was now in the early stages of becoming a beautiful recording studio. As the studio was progressing, I kept envisioning the ceiling being painted with a night sky. I kept seeing an angel holding a sash that went upward toward heaven.

One of the contractors gave me the name of a professional painter who came out and showed me a small picture of a little boy laying back into a half moon in a night sky. She said for 20 years she had carried this little picture inside her painting bag, asking God when it might be the right time for her to paint a night sky. We were both in tears, as she knew this was the right time.

The very first song God dropped into my spirit the day after my son took his journey home was “I’m Free, I’m Free”, and that song encircles the outer perimeter of the ceiling. A short time later, I was asked what name I had chosen for the studio. To be honest, I had not even gotten that far yet. Shortly after one morning, as I walked into my beautiful studio, I simply looked up and asked God that very question. Within seconds, I received my response in my spirit. The Upper Room Recording Studio resides on beautiful Green Lake in Wisconsin and will always be in memory of the late Jordan Christian Peterson.